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Black pepper (Piper nigrum) is a flowering vine belonging to the family Piperaceae. It is cultivated for its fruit, which is typically dried and used as a spice and seasoning. Black pepper is derived from the still-green, unripe drupes of the pepper plant. It is also known as the “king of spices,”
Cashew Nut Kernel
Cashew Nut Kernels is Processed from Raw Cashew Nuts. To soften the shell the un-shelled nut is steamed and carefully cut open. After that, the kernel is dried to loosen the skin which is then peeled off. Whole kernels are graded by size and color.
Nutmeg is also known as Pala in Indonesia. The most important commercial species is Myristica fragrans, an evergreen tree indigenous to the Banda Islands in the Moluccas or Spice Islands of Indonesia. Nutmeg is usually used in powdered form.
Cassia Vera is a spice obtained from the inner bark of several trees from the genus Cinnamomum that is used in both sweet and savory foods. Cassia Vera is cultivated by growing the tree for two years, then coppicing it, i.e., cutting the stems at ground level.
Raw Cashew Nuts
The cashew tree (Anacardium occidentale) is a tropical evergreen tree that produces the cashew seed and the cashew apple. The cashew seed, often simply called a cashew, is widely eaten on its own, used in recipes, or processed into other product.
Vanilla Beans
Vanilla beans are fruit of vanilla orchid that grows in tropical regions. It can only be planted in definite conditions and take time to harvest the fruits as there are processes it must go through, such as pollination. Pollination can only be done in certain time.
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Damar Batu
Gum Benzamin
Gum Damar
Gum Copal
Gum Rosin
Betel Nut
Desiccated Coconut
Raw Cashew Nut